Group Weight Loss Coaching
What Are You Really Hungry For?
A 6-month online weight loss program to help you finally figure out what you’re really hungry for so that you can STOP emotional eating and yo-yo dieting for good.
Does any of this sound like you?
You are frustrated and emotionally exhausted trying to figure out how to lose weight and not gain it back again
You eat something you regret or you “blow it” by lunchtime and then overeat for the rest of the day...or the rest of the week
You sabotage your weight loss efforts because you reward yourself with food for “being so good” on your diet all week
You sneak-eat so no one will see you or overeat when you're alone in the house so there is no one there to judge you
You know WHAT to do to lose weight (and maybe have before) but can't stick to it and you don't understand WHY
You are sick and tired disappointing yourself when you, once again, eat something you wish you didn't
You are constantly thinking about food and find yourself eating when you are not even hungry
You convince yourself that “in the moment” the food will make you feel better when you know it will only make you feel worse
If so ... it isn't your fault. And it doesn't have to be this way.
You’ve been told over and over that dieting and exercise are the only way to lose weight.
That if you just eat less and move more, or “eat this and not that” then you will lose the weight, look and feel great and live happily ever after.
It’s no surprise then, that after years (or decades) of losing weight only to gain it back again, you are frustrated and feel like you’re destined to be fat forever.
What I’ve found is that people struggle with their weight because they eat too much food and they eat when they’re not hungry.
Most of the time, you are either trying to fill something up or stuff something down. Food becomes a substitute to fill the hole.
Which is it for you?
If you’re someone who can’t keep the weight off, it means that your extra pounds, lack of energy, and constant stress around food won’t get fixed by yet another diet program.
There is a solution, but it is NOT another diet.
If you’ve been unable to lose weight and keep it off, there is no diet plan in the world that will get you permanent results…
Because the real problem isn’t just the food going into your mouth.
The real problem is that you’ve made “I can’t” and fear of failure your underlying operating system. It’s that voice in your head that whispers:
“I can’t lose weight so there’s no point in trying.”
“I’ve tried before and failed so I’ll probably just fail again.”
“I will start again tomorrow.”
Until you learn to change these thoughts, you will always struggle with your weight because your self-sabotaging behavior and dieter’s mindset will always interfere with your results.
I know this to be true because I’ve been there. I had too many Mondays with the best of intentions. I’ve lost weight and thought “YAY I’m done!” and gone right back to bad habits. I had clothes that have spanned at least 4 different dress sizes. I’ve opened the refrigerator when I wasn’t hungry, looking to soothe myself or avoid what I was really feeling.

Let’s be honest, living this way sucks…and the truth is you don’t have to.
You get to make the choice to NOT live this way any longer.
When you discover what you are really hungry for when your hunger has nothing to do with food, you will STOP turning to food to fix and soothe your feelings. As a result, you will lose weight and never gain it back again.
You just need to know how to change this and find the support to stay the course…
And this group weight loss coaching program will help you do exactly that.
is a 6-month online group weight loss coaching program where you will learn a proven process to shift your thoughts, habits, and behaviors around food
Food isn’t everything, but it still matters. You’ll learn how to fuel yourself and nourish your body without feeling like you are on a diet!
It’s time to get out of the cycle that keeps you stuck, overweight, and unhappy. You’ll learn how to reset your mind and self-talk so you can stop self-sabotage in its tracks.
No matter how long you’ve been struggling with food and your weight, we’ll get you back to who you really are. This is where you get to reclaim your very best self!
This program has worked time and time again...
"I’m really happy about ME and what I’ve achieved over these few months.”
– Johanne L.
"Now I know the exact things that were standing in my way.”
– Veronica
"I feel like I have a normal relationship
with food.”
– Deanna W.
"I lost a little over 23 lbs and I'm still going in the right direction.”
– Kathleen L.
"With Lisa’s help I’ve been able to lose 32 pounds…It’s been an amazing journey.”
– Maria R.
"I feel so much better
in my body.”
– Emma B.

"I have lost over 65 pounds and I am completely off of two different blood pressure medications now. For me this is been life-saving."
As an 82-year-old woman who had tried every diet on the planet, I am finally at peace with my weight. I have been struggling off and on since my teens to be at a healthy weight. Lisa program has totally changed my mindset so that food is no longer the comfort I need. I have lost over 65 pounds and I am completely off of two different blood pressure medications now. For me this is been life-saving. I hesitated a long time before joining her group because it was costly for me and I didn't want to spend money on another failure. I had never felt so supported before in any program. Little by little I reprogrammed my mindset to not self-sabotage with food. I am at goal weight and have been for over three months now and I am sure that I can continue on this journey as a healthy seasoned citizen. Words cannot express how grateful I am that I took a chance. It was a fun, and sometimes astonishing journey of discovery. - Nena M

"Not only did I lose the weight, I learned the skills to keep the weight off and I'm confident my yo-yo dieting days are gone...And, my outlook on life is so much better."
Going to Lisa was one of the best things I could have done for myself. Lisa gave me the tools to learn what I was doing and to change my thinking about food. Losing weight and ones relationship with food is very personal and Lisa provided a plan and guidance that was tailored to me. Not only did I lose the weight, I learned the skills to keep the weight off and I'm confident my yo-yo dieting days are gone. I don't make excuses any more about my weight or what I ate. And, my outlook on life is so much better. If you are ready to stop making excuses, and to work hard to understand what's awry with your relationship with food Lisa can help you. I'm so grateful for having the opportunity to know Lisa and to learn from her. - Linda S.

will make it 100% possible for you to...

Free yourself from restrictive diets and emotional eating

Stop the negative, sabotaging voice in your head

Eat to satisfy your hunger and stop when you're full

Feel more confident, less stressed, and be full energy

Practice self-care, self-love, and self-compassion

Eat to satisfy your hunger and stop when you're full
This program has worked time and time again...

Weekly Training Videos
This is where I teach you how to REPLENISH, RESET, and RECLAIM and show you how to implement them into your life.

Live Q&A and Coaching Sessions
We’ll have 3 live 60-minute group calls each month where I go deeper into the training videos and give you the opportunity to ask questions and get additional support.

Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions
We’ll have 3 calls where it will be just you and me. We’ll have the time to really go deep on your individual obstacles and create a plan to get you to your goals.

Community and Support
Get support and guidance from Lisa and other members of the program who know exactly how you feel and what you’re going through

Nutrition Plan, Shopping Lists, and Healthy Recipes
You’ll never feel deprived or overwhelmed with this program! You’ll have everything you need to be prepared and never feel stressed out about what to eat.

Unlimited Access to the Private Member's Area
Get access to video and audio recordings, worksheets, resources, and live calls anywhere, anytime!
I'm also including these bonuses...

Bonus #1: My Getting Started Guide
Start creating changes right away with this guide that I use with my private clients. It has everything you need to start your program and will be a resource for you throughout your weight loss journey.

Bonus #2: The Change Your Mind Change Your Body 7-Day Weight Loss Kickstart

Bonus #3: Both of my RIGHT MIND RIGHT WEIGHT Interview Series
You’ll get 39 interviews with experts in health, wellness, and mindset to help you address specific challenges and health concerns

Bonus #4: Private Facebook Community
Receive coaching, support and accountability Form powerful relationships to help you stay on track and keep motivated

Understand your relationship with food so that you can change it and no longer need food as a comfort crutch
Discover the difference between eating to live vs living to eat so that you start to create a new relationship with food
Learn how to set SMART Goals so that you make consistent progress and see the program working
Get nutrition plans and healthy recipes so that you'll always be prepared and know what to eat
Understand "How Much & How Often in 7 Days" so that you can still eat your favorite foods while continuing to lose weight
Cut down or get rid of sugar so that you can get control over your sweet cravings
Become more aware of how your mood is connected to the food you eat so that you can stop eating when you're not even hungry
Uncover your limiting beliefs and so you can change them and stop self-sabotaging yourself and your weight loss
Break free of the negative voice and inner critic so that you will listen to your LOGICAL voice instead
Create new empowering thoughts and beliefs so that you can stay aligned and on track with your goals
Change the patterns that keep you repeating your unhealthy eating behaviors so that you will finally STOP sabotaging your efforts
Overcome the dieter’s mindset so that you will NEVER have to "go on a diet" ever again
Break free of the perfectionist mindset that leads to sabotage and procrastination.
Be more consistent with your new healthy behaviors so that you can actually reach your goal and maintain your results!
Learn how to put your self-care first and prioritize your needs
Recognize that you deserve to feel worthy so that you can shed the feelings of “not being good enough”
Learn how to take a stand for yourself so that you can set boundaries that feel good to you
Discover a newfound love and respect for yourself so that you wouldn’t even consider turning to unhealthy food
Even More Success Stories...

"I now look fantastic and feel happy, sexy, and healthy and love to go back to shopping."
I started working with Lisa because I thought I would never feel or look good anymore. I was approaching 70 in one year and counted my life over. It was hard work. Not the food as much as the thoughts. Again, I’m better than that cup of chocolate pudding. I now look fantastic and feel happy, sexy, and healthy and love to go back to shopping. Thank you for your partnership and friendship. You helped me celebrate my 70th year looking gorgeous. – Louise F.

"Lisa helped me to see that taking care of myself was the most loving thing I could do for myself."
Dealing with weight/food issues has to begin with a positive mindset, and Lisa was very good at identifying the self-defeating thoughts that kept me in a negative frame of mind. She didn’t stop there, of course. She helped me write a new script for myself, one that provided a path out of diet misery. I was at a point where I had tried every diet imaginable, and I knew I needed a different approach. Lisa was able to zero in on the negative thinking that was preventing me from reaching my weight-loss goals. – Frances K.
What Are You Really Hungry For? will give you the answers you've been looking for when it comes to struggling with food and your weight.
You haven’t failed the diet, the diet failed you. You do not need more willpower or discipline. And until you identify your biggest obstacles, it won’t matter what you eat or how much you exercise. You will inevitably gain weight back, because you haven’t actually dealt with the core issue.
This program is the solid foundation you need to change your relationship food and your relationship with yourself deep down so you can feel in control of your body and your life.
You get to decide now if you want to continue on your current path, constantly battling food, beating yourself up, and feeling uncomfortable in your own body, or if you want to:
- LEAVE YOUR LIFE OF DIETING BEHIND and get rid of “all or nothing” thinking so that you can stop playing small and start enjoying your life
- UNDERSTAND WHY YOU OVEREAT so that you can stop the cycle and lose the weight
- FEEL MORE CONFIDENT & BETTER IN YOUR CLOTHES so that you never have waste time again being stressed about what to wear or how you look
- SHOW YOURSELF MORE LOVE, RESPECT & COMPASSION so that you never again feel the need to stuff yourself silly with unhealthy food
- FEEL SUPPORTED & MOTIVATED so that you can finally stay accountable to yourself and your goals
If you’re ready to be DONE with your food and weight struggles, click below join me.

A message from Lisa...
What Are You Really Hungry For? is your path to the body and life you want and truly deserve to have.
I’ve designed this program after years and years of working with clients from all walks of life who struggle with emotional eating and yo-yo dieting. My clients have had so much success learning how to change their behaviors, habits and the mindset so that they can lose weight and keeping it off for good.
By using my proven program, they’ve been able to identify and change what’s been holding them back for so long so they can finally drop the pounds and never pick them back up again!
Take The First Step On Your
Journey Back to Health
Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client. I am very happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Lisa Goldberg is the right weight loss coach for you.