How many times have you gone on a diet and thought to yourself…”I’d be more successful if I only had more willpower”?
You eventually give up, blame yourself for being weak and go back to your old eating habits.
I want to reassure you that it’s not your fault. The only thing you did wrong was to actually believe that having more “willpower” would have made the difference.
The definition of willpower – control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.
Exerting willpower will only last so long. This is why you lose some weight only to gain it back again and end up going from one diet to the next.
It’s no wonder that so many people I speak to don’t actually believe that they could really ever lose the weight and keep it off. Ironically, this belief will lead to continuous self-sabotage.
The Relationship Between Willpower and Weight Loss
When it comes to losing weight, I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news.
The bad news is you will never lose weight and keep it off if you continue to attempt to summon up enough willpower to get you to your goal weight. I guess if you already tried it enough times you don’t need me to tell you that…you’ve experienced it.
The good news is that it IS possible to lose weight and keep it off. And the way to do this is by breaking your old habits and patterns that you repeat over and over again every time you attempt to lose weight.
And how do you break those patterns you ask…
By changing your old limiting beliefs to new empowering beliefs which will enable you create a new way of thinking.
You see it’s your own thinking that sabotages you EVERY time you attempt to lose weight. Yup, it’s your brain that needs some re-wiring because your brain believes what you tell it the most.
Think about it. How many times do you say to yourself “I know what to do I just can’t do it”.
It’s not that you can’t do it. That’s not the problem.
The problem is what you are ‘thinking’ about the problem. And that’s why you have to change your old thinking.
It’s your beliefs that create your thoughts, your thoughts create your feelings which leads you to actions and your actions create your results.
So, if you are not getting the weight loss results that you want, and have been depending on willpower for weight loss, you first have to learn how to change your beliefs so that you can change your thinking.
If you’re always wondering why going on a diet, restricting your food and willpower NEVER works for weight loss, it’s because you have to change the inside before you can change the outside.
In my step-by-step weight loss program, I teach you how to get clarity on your limiting beliefs that sabotage you and how to change those beliefs so that you can change your thoughts and therefore change your actions and behaviors. This is the key to breaking your old self-sabotaging patterns. Changing this will allow you to achieve the weight loss results you have been working so hard to achieve all of these years.
Here are a few steps you can take right now to start uncovering and changing your old limiting beliefs.
1) Write a list of what you hear yourself say that isn’t the truth.
For example:
- I don’t have the time
- I’m destined to be fat
- I could never do that
- I will never lose weight no matter what I do
- I will probably fail again anyway…
2) Then next to the limiting belief write a new and empowering belief. Change it to an I CAN vs an I CAN’T belief.
3) Make a decision to focus on the new belief.
Each time you hear your old belief in your head, change the thought to your new belief. The more you do this the more you brain will be re-wired for the new belief.
If you’ve been struggling with your weight for more years than you care to count, stop blaming yourself. All of those diets you’ve been on never told you the truth about what you really need to change to be successful.
If you want to see first-hand how changing your thinking can get you the weight loss results you desire, click here.
I promise you if you take the time to go through these steps you will begin to discover what’s been keeping you stuck, and you will learn that weight loss isn’t all about willpower.