Why Quick Fix Diets Never Work

Why Quick Fix Diets Never Work (and How to Lose Weight For Good)

Why Quick Fix Diets Never Work

If you’re looking for quick fix diets, unfortunately you won’t find them here. That’s because a quick fix diet won’t help you lose weight for good. Before I tell you what WILL help you permanently lose weight, I want to tell you about a call I had yesterday with a woman named Alicia.

As a profession, Alicia works as a nurse in pediatrics. She struggled with her weight most of her life, which is what led her to create a podcast called, Eating Me, which I’ll be a guest on very soon.

She shared with me that she was raised in a “clean your plate or you can’t leave the table” family.

As someone who struggled with her weight and was always trying quick fix diets, Alicia is all too familiar with how isolating and alone it can feel at times…

…those times where you think that no one would understand the crazy thoughts about food that go on in your head, and if they only knew that you didn’t really have it all together on the inside.

As we began to talk about what I do and what I coach my clients on, Alicia began to respond with a lot of “OMG…YES! That’s me!”

I saw a lot of bells going off in her head as everything I said resonated with her.

Especially the part where I spoke about bariatric patients who only had their stomachs made smaller, but no one worked on changing their emotional eating brains that led them to being overweight in the first place.

I had no idea that she had gastric band surgery so this part of the conversation really hit home.

I can’t wait to share the podcast with you when it’s released. But in the meanwhile, I am going to share with you some of what I had shared with Alicia.

The quick fix diets never work. People need to learn how to manage their expectations as to how long-lasting weight loss should take. Slow and steady wins this race. You have to stop ‘going on a diet” to lose weight for good. If a diet worked, it would be one and done vs. perpetually going from one diet to another.

The reason why someone eats a whole sleeve of Oreos is because they give themselves permission to do so. There is an inner voice in their head repeating the same old story over and over again. You need to change that story to change the behavior.

Most people don’t hear their self-sabotaging self-talk until it’s too late. It’s only AFTER they eat do they remember that weight loss is their goal. You need to stay connected to what’s more important to you than Oreos.

Our brains like to keep us in our comfort zone. It’s easier to repeat your same old habits because it takes no effort. Changing the unhealthy habits takes work. People don’t stay the course long enough to make the habits stick. This is one reason why people work with me…accountability, structure and support.

Your thoughts create your actions. You will do what you tell yourself to do which is why becoming aware of your thoughts regarding food and eating is imperative to changing them.

Most people struggle with their weight because they eat too much food and they eat when they are not hungry. These are habits that need to change to lose weight and sustain the loss.

You change habits by changing the thinking about the habits. You have to begin to hear your self-sabotage and change it. My clients learn my method to create new, logical and empowering thoughts that serve you vs sabotage you so they can leave quick fix diets behind for good.

All of this is what I mean when I talk about a new mindset. It’s a buzz word that people understand, only they have a hard time changing their thinking on their own for the long-term. The bottom line is weight loss is not the result of a quick fix diet. In reality, it’s only about 20% changing your food and 80% about changing your brain which is currently wired for your old thinking that produces your current habits.

If you’re ready to be done with quick fix diets and are ready to lose weight for good, schedule a free call with me now.

About Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

Lisa Goldberg is a nutritionist and weight-loss coach with a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from NYU. Since 2001, she has helped clients focus on mindset, mindful eating, and habit change to achieve lasting weight loss. She is a Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist in New York, a Certified Weight Loss Expert, and trained in Adult Weight Management. Lisa is also the author of Food Fight!! Winning the Battle with Food and Eating to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss, It is available on Amazon.
