Weight Gain: Why It Happens and How to Stop It

Weight Gain: Why It Happens and How to Stop It

Weight Gain - Why It Happens and How to Stop It

Weight gain is almost NEVER about not knowing what to do or how to eat.

It’s not that you don’t know what to do to lose weight. So what gets in your way??

The truth is, weight gain is a symptom of years of repeating self-sabotaging behaviors.

There are two major obstacles that cause weight gain and have been preventing you from being successful when it comes to your health goals.

First, you attempt to lose weight in a way that is not sustainable. Bars and shakes, macro or calorie counting, low calorie, keto, counting points, etc, all are not sustainable for the long-term. But yet, you still try a different diet to lose weight, which leads to self-sabotage and eventually causes you gain weight back that you may have lost.

And second, you have been missing a major component to solving the problem long-term.

That missing component is the MINDSET WORK.

The ability to change your thinking.

The ability to stop sabotaging yourself.

The ability to stop turning to food for comfort.


That’s what the fad diets or other nutritionists haven’t given you before when you tried to lose weight.

They didn’t teach you the tools that you need to create REAL and sustainable mindset changes around how, what and WHY you eat when eating has nothing to do with being hungry.

The other programs haven’t helped you see WHY you sabotage yourself and how to stop it.

What you’ve tried in the past hasn’t helped you change your relationship with food, and more importantly, your relationship with yourself.

You haven’t had a complete program to help you lose the weight or that teaches you how to maintain your weight once it’s gone.

What you need is the structure to develop new habits and behaviors long enough to become consistent.

After teaching this for more than 20 years, I know for a fact that the lack of staying consistent is one thing that is preventing you from losing weight.

The reason people fail is that they don’t get adequate support until the new habits and behaviors stick.

That’s what makes me and my group coaching program, What Are You Really Hungry For different than the rest.

You can’t compare this to Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem or any plan that offers you bars and shakes.

What I offer and what they offer are nothing alike. I give you the complete package, they don’t.

I understand what it takes to change your mindset so that you can develop new and healthier eating habits and behaviors that LAST.

It takes:

  • Structure
  • Accountability
  • Support
  • Consistency

I understand and can teach you the power of mindset change and what it takes to develop new habits and behaviors.

This is exactly what I give you inside of my program and this is exactly what you need to finally lose weight and keep it off. I offer a free call so we can figure out together what’s caused your weight gain, and how we can get you weight loss results that last. If you haven’t gotten on my calendar yet, do it now!

Don’t let your fear keep you from scheduling a call to find out if this is the right solution for you. If it’s not, that’s ok. The only thing you really have to lose by calling is the weight and nothing else.

About Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

Lisa Goldberg is a nutritionist and weight-loss coach with a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from NYU. Since 2001, she has helped clients focus on mindset, mindful eating, and habit change to achieve lasting weight loss. She is a Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist in New York, a Certified Weight Loss Expert, and trained in Adult Weight Management. Lisa is also the author of Food Fight!! Winning the Battle with Food and Eating to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss, It is available on Amazon.
