How to Use Self-Talk for Weight Loss

self-talk for weight loss

Is your self-talk sabotaging your weight loss?

Often when I’m coaching a client, a question I get asked is, “What do I do when it comes to food and eating and situations that involve food and eating?”

It’s a great question.

Based on my own experience with food, weight and mindset change, my goal is to teach my clients the tools and strategies that I know work, not just for losing weight, but to maintain the weight that they lose.

Pay Attention to Self-Talk for Weight Loss

The answer to the question when it comes to food and eating is…I pay attention to my self-talk or my inner dialogue.

We all do what we tell ourselves to do. And if you listen closely, you will hear your own internal chatter where you are actually giving yourself permission to emotionally eat or mindlessly eat.

If you’ve been a chronic dieter, your self-talk is in a habit loop of a self-sabotaging dialogue that you don’t hear or don’t recognize as your self-sabotage.

So, what do I say when I speak to myself?

I ask myself questions like, “Lisa are you even hungry? What are you really looking for?”

Or I will tell myself that I won’t be happy in the morning, or I remind myself that I like the way I’ve been feeling and I leave the kitchen.

The truth is, I work on strengthening my mind as much (if not more) as I work on strengthening my body.

If my mindset wasn’t in the right place, I know that I could easily talk myself out of working out because I’m too busy or too tired.

It’s my internal dialogue that gets me out the door to workout every day.

it’s my internal dialogue that gets me to make healthy choices.

It’s my internal dialogue that reminds me not to trade in how I feel in my body for unhealthy food.

My brain is now wired for this thought process. It’s not always 100% ( it’s not about being perfect) but it’s allowed me to maintain my weight loss for 30+ years.

Your actions will always follow your thoughts and your thoughts create your feelings.

What are you thinking? What is your internal dialogue…do you know?

When my clients tell me that they feel out of control I ALWAYS say to them, “You are always in control, it’s actually your own thoughts that are out of control making you FEEL out of control”.

There is a method to my madness when I work with my clients on their weight loss journey.

My methodology teaches them how to strengthen their mindset so that they can change the habits, behaviors and the thinking that gets them to be overweight in the first place.

When they learn how to change their internal dialogue, it allows them to get what they want…weight loss, gaining back their self-confidence, feeling in control and back to shopping in their closet.

If your mindset could use some training so that you can change your internal dialogue, click here and let’s talk.

About Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

Known for her successful treatment of mystery illnesses, Lisa Goldberg and her team at Lisa Goldberg Nutrition combine an integrative, functional medicine approach with the appropriate lab testing.

Our unique approach to diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders recognizes that lasting health depends on resolution of the root causes of your disease. Click here to learn more »
