The Truth About Weight Loss - Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

The Truth About Weight Loss

truth about weight loss

I have been practicing nutrition and coaching clients for over two decades. When I first graduated with my Masters Degree in Clinical Nutrition I started to counsel my clients based on what I was taught at school…or what I thought was the truth about weight loss.

I would figure out the appropriate amount of protein, fat, carbs and calories and I would create a diet plan for my clients based on that information.

But as time went on, I recognized a few similarities in all of my clients.

I noticed:

  1. Most people either were eating non-nutritious processed food and fast food or they knew what healthy eating looked like (as they had been on quite a few diets before.)
  2. Everyone wanted to know what they could do to lose weight quickly. Everyone wanted the magic bullet without having to make many long-term changes.
  3. The most popular question was “What can I eat after dinner?” (My usual response was, “Are you hungry after you eat dinner?”)

This is when the lightbulb went off for me that there was something going on with people who were trying to lose weight.

The Truth About Weight Loss

There was SO MUCH MORE to health and weight loss than calories, protein, fats and carbs. There was the nutrition part but there was also the part around ingrained habits and behaviors that needed to be addressed.

What I found was that NOBODY (no nutritionists anyway) paid attention to what was going on in people’s heads.

I recognized quickly that if I only addressed the food that my clients ate and not the other parts –the rather critical part of the equation — that I would be doing them a disservice.

So shortly after I began my private nutrition practice I began to also focus on the habits, behaviors, lifestyle and mindset of my clients to help them change from the inside out.

I changed my coaching to a two-tiered approach. It’s a bit like food therapy.

If you struggle with gaining and losing weight, can you relate to any of the similarities that my clients share?

If so, here is my advice to you.

If you want to lose weight and keep the weight off, spend some time looking at the BIG picture.

Ask yourself:

What kind of food am I eating? Is it nutrient dense?
Am I giving my body good, quality fuel?
How much food do I really need?
Am I hungry when I eat?
Am I emotionally or habitually eat?

Examine your habits and behaviors.

Do you have the dieters “all or nothing” mentality?
Do you sabotage your efforts?
Does that voice in your head bring you down the rabbit hole?
Do you give into cravings that have nothing to do with being hungry?
Do you believe you that you will only fail again if you try?

My goal is to help as many people as I can to lose weight and keep it off for good.

That means the real truth about weight loss is that it include good nutrition, a healthy mindset and recognizing that lasting weight loss is a journey and a process of change, not an event.

You don’t have to be ready…you just have to be willing to change.

Schedule your free call with me now and we can talk about the next best step on your journey.

About Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

Lisa Goldberg is a nutritionist and weight-loss coach with a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from NYU. Since 2001, she has helped clients focus on mindset, mindful eating, and habit change to achieve lasting weight loss. She is a Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist in New York, a Certified Weight Loss Expert, and trained in Adult Weight Management. Lisa is also the author of Food Fight!! Winning the Battle with Food and Eating to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss, It is available on Amazon.
