Personal Weight Loss Coaching
If you want to lose weight for good this time, it’s time you try a different approach!
- Maybe it’s because you know you’re a smart, successful professional that has a handle on all other aspects of your life except your weight…and you can’t understand WHY.
- Maybe you’re here because you’ve tried so many different diets in your lifetime that you’re done with the struggle. You’re tired of battling that voice in your head, your weight and feeling terrible in your own skin. This is absolutely NOT how you want to feel forever.
- Maybe you’ve lost weight in the past but just ended up gaining it back (and then some) because the diet you did to lose the weight isn’t something you can sustain for the long haul.
- Maybe you are consumed with anxiety and frustration over what to eat because of all the conflicting advice and the extra work healthy eating requires. Not to mention the fact that eating right has always felt tedious.
- Maybe you are tired of that self-sabotaging voice in your head that has kept you stuck in old patterns around food and eating. You know that voice….the one that’s says “I don’t care! I want it. I deserve it, I’ll be better tomorrow”!!
Long-term sustainable weight loss is 80% mindset change 20% diet.
Here is what makes my approach to weight loss coaching different from other nutritionists and coaches.
My weight loss coaching is based on a two-tiered approach.
First, I take a look at what, when, how and WHY you eat to help you establish a healthy way of eating in your life so that it’s do-able and sustainable for the long-term. When you learn how to do this it allows you to easily maintain the weight you lose.
I’m not the nutritionist that eliminates food groups or declares that you have to cut out all the foods that you love…because what fun would that be? My philosophy is “there is nothing you can’t eat” ( Seriously)
Next, the real magic happens when I teach you how to stop the self-sabotage and how to change your relationship with food and the way you feel about yourself. That’s what leads to new habits and better choices. You learn how to choose YOU over food you aren’t even hungry for. THIS is what you never learned from past diets or programs.
I give you the complete picture to stop the dieting madness.
This is NOT another quick fix. It’s not Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers and you can’t compare these programs to my proven signature method for lasting weight loss.
What you will get is the ultimate result! A long-term solution to losing weight and keeping it off for good!
Together we develop the strategies that will help you overcome any obstacles that get in your way. As your coach I will give you all of the support, accountability, structure and motivation you need on your journey to achieve sustainable weight loss, better health, increased confidence and energy and mindset change.

Our work together will help you finally:
- Free yourself from dieting, forever.
- Understand the thoughts that drive you to eat when you’re not physically hungry, and how to change them without ever feeling like you’re missing out.
- Learn how to eat without feeling restricted or deprived so that you can get rid of the “all or nothing” way of thinking.
- Identify the difference between “head” hunger and “stomach hunger” so that you can eat because of physical hunger, not emotional hunger.
- Eat the foods you love – minus the guilt!
- Shower yourself with self-care so you don’t use food to fix your feelings.
- Maintain a healthy weight and embrace the body you’re in so you can fully love yourself and love your life!
Stay on Track with Ongoing Accountability and Support
I provide the motivation and accountability you need to stay the course. Because old habits die hard, and until you’re ready to go it alone, weight loss coaching will keep you on track as you work toward your health and weight loss goals.
Healing your habits and shifting your thoughts takes time and energy. This journey is not a straight line. There will be bumps in the road and unexpected detours called “Life”. It happens to each and every one of us. That’s why I’ll be at your side every step of the way.
When you step into VIP private weight loss coaching you’ll receive:
- A 90-minute initial consultation
- A personalized nutrition plan based on YOUR life and how you live it
- Three 40-minute one-on-one coaching sessions per month
- Daily food journal submissions to help hold you accountable to your goals
- Unlimited email support so you can get your questions answered and your problems solved without having to wait until your next call
- A weekly accountability sheet to summarize what you’ve accomplished week by week and what still challenges you
- A coach that will always be there to support you through the rough spots that will come up for you on your journey of change and transformation
VIP coaching is for you if:
- You are ready to make yourself a priority and stop putting your needs on the back burner
- You are committed to do what it takes to transform your health and your life
- You recognize that if you could do it on your own you would have done it already
- You understand the value of investing in yourself to get the support and accountability you need so that you can get the results you desire
VIP coaching is NOT for you if:
- You are looking for a quick weight loss fix
- You keep telling yourself that you can do it on your own
- You are still more committed to your fear and self-doubt than what’s possible for you
Remember, there are no quick fixes…only amazing results.
Get Started
Before I take you on as a client, we need to make sure that you’re committed and that I’m the best expert to help you. So, let’s kick things off with a Discovery Call.
Take The First Step On Your
Journey Back to Health
Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client. I am very happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Lisa Goldberg is the right weight loss coach for you.