“I’ll Eat Better Tomorrow” Syndrome - Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

“I’ll Eat Better Tomorrow” Syndrome

eat better tomorrow syndrome

Do you find that you self-sabotage your weight loss efforts over and over again only to find yourself saying “It’ll be better tomorrow” or “I’ll eat better tomorrow”?

And then tomorrow comes and you do the same exact thing? It’s frustrating because you know what you want but you struggle to stay the course.

Many people struggle with what I call the “It’ll be better tomorrow” syndrome.

Here is the reason why this happens…

You tell yourself it’s ok. You actually give yourself permission to eat by saying to yourself any of the following statements:

  • What’s the big deal..
  • It’s just only… ( a small amount, 1 bite, 1 handful, etc.)
  • What difference will it make…
  • I’ve been good all week…
  • The scale didn’t move so therefore…
  • I’ll eat better tomorrow.
  • I’ll start again on Monday.
  • I may have missed some but you get the idea.

Your actions will follow your thoughts. If you know that piece of chocolate is in the fridge and you think about eating it but what you really want is to lose weight, why would you tell yourself “I’ll eat better tomorrow, it’s just only one piece of chocolate. What difference will it make?”

First off, are you telling yourself the truth?

Is having the chocolate more important to you than losing weight? For those 2 minutes that it’s in your mouth, is it worth you sacrificing what you truly and deeply want for yourself…to feel better in your body?

Now don’t get me wrong. You’ve heard me say you can have indulgences. It’s not off limits. You have to choose which one or two days of the week you want to indulge.

It only becomes a big deal if you take those extra bites most days of the week as over the course of the week the calories from those extra bites add up.

I always say when you make a mindful decision there is no regret, guilt, shame or remorse around your choice. But if it’s an emotional decision, then more times than not you will most likely feel bad about what you ate. Not feeling bad is where the freedom comes from.

So choose mindfully.

With the holidays upon us you get to choose how much and how often you indulge…or not.

Make your choice matter. Don’t eat food just because it’s there and in the moment you think you have to eat it now.

Practice choosing YOU over the food. Practice making a new, better and healthier decision.

Change the message in your head so you will take different actions as our actions follow our thoughts.

You can do it…I know you can. If you’re done with telling yourself “It’ll be better tomorrow” then schedule your free call with me now.

About Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

Lisa Goldberg is a nutritionist and weight-loss coach with a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from NYU. Since 2001, she has helped clients focus on mindset, mindful eating, and habit change to achieve lasting weight loss. She is a Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist in New York, a Certified Weight Loss Expert, and trained in Adult Weight Management. Lisa is also the author of Food Fight!! Winning the Battle with Food and Eating to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss, It is available on Amazon.
