Weight Loss Coach for Women - Lisa Goldberg Nutrition

Are You Ready To

Lose Weight For Good This Time?

  Let’s put an end to the quick fix diets and unhealthy eating habits that are standing in the way of your weight loss. As your nutritionist & weight loss coach I will guide you every step of the way to help you create real habit, behavior & mindset shifts that are doable and sustainable. Start now with my free Missing Piece to Lasting Weight Loss video series!

Get Started Today with

The Missing Piece to Lasting Weight Loss

What Makes Me
Different ?

At Lisa Goldberg Nutrition, I don’t talk about points or calories when it comes to weight loss. I help you get to the root of your self-sabotage when it comes to food, weight and dieting and nutrition. I teach you how to STOP dieting so that you can finally lose weight for good and change your life.

My Unique

I take a two-prong approach-I help you create a nutrition plan that works in the life that you lead and I give you the mental tools you need to understand and change the habits, behaviors and mindset that causes you to sabotage your weight loss efforts time and time again.


I believe that you can go in any diet under the sun, and if you follow the plan you will lose the weight. But, if the plan is not sustainable and you don’t change what caused you to be overweight in the first place, the weight will always find it’s way back. That’s why diets don’t work for the long-term!

Why Lisa Goldberg Nutrition?

Too often people look for the quick fix to lose weight. The evidence shows that this approach works until it doesn’t. Fad and restrictive diets or cleanses will never produce the long-lasting results that you desire.

I know if you’re here, you’ve probably already tried a million different ways to lose weight. The truth is, if you had the tools to lose weight on your own and keep the weight  off, you would have done it already.

At Lisa Goldberg Nutrition you will receive the support, accountability and guidance that you need for the long haul. You get support every step of the way.

As your nutritionist and weight loss coach, I help you not just lose weight, I give you the mental tools and the strategies that you need to keep the weight off for good this time.

After all, THAT is what you really deserve!

Get The Missing Piece To
Lasting Weight Loss

Food Fight: Winning the Battle with Food and Eating to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss

If your emotions seem to continuously sabotage your eating behaviors keeping you stuck on the diet-rollercoaster…you’ve come to the right place! FOOD FIGHT is the missing piece to the weight loss puzzle. FOOD FIGHT gives you the tools and strategies for learning how to change your mindset, habits and behaviors around food and eating to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Food Fight

In Our Clients Own Words…

Take The First Step On Your

Journey Back To Health

Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client. I am very happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Lisa Goldberg is the right weight loss coach for you.